The MEDARE Initiative

How to join MEDARE Initiative

Three categories of entities can become MEDARE Members:

  1. National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in the GMR
  2. Research groups and organizations involved in recovering, documenting, digitising, quality controlling, homogenising, archiving and developing high quality climate datasets are encouraged to take an active role in the MEDARE activities
  3. Motivated individuals in other fields, such as geographers, engineers, historians, physicists, observers and others either in the active or retired spheres of activity

NMHSs will be officially invited by WMO to join the initiative

The applicants as contributing researchers should send to ( an expression of interest indicating to which MEDARE research theme they would like to contribute, along with a brief CV (about 500 words).

Supporting organizations should send an expression of interest including name of the institution, contact details (including postal and email addresses), main activity and kind of cooperation envisaged within MEDARE (data supplier, data treatment, data searcher, etc.)


This web portal is an external branch of the CCl website developed by the MEDARE community and host by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain)

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the web site do not reflect necessarily the WMO official position on some issues, and there publication on this site does not imply their endorsement by WMO before they are duly published through WMO official publication procedures and channels